
If You Have Anorgasmia – Yoni Massage Could Help

Recently, I was officially diagnosed with anorgasmia. I had struggled for years to experience much in the way of pleasure, and I hadn’t had an orgasm with my husband in a very long time. It was feeling like things were permanently dried up. It was a sad state of things.

I wanted to find a pleasure experience that would help me heal my relationship with pleasure in general – something gentle, and deeply erotic, so that I could lean into my turn-on and reignite my passion and my pleasure.

I had almost given up hope around ever getting to be a sexual woman. It just didn’t seem to be meant to be, and I felt like I was constantly disappointing my husband. It was so depressing!

And then I searched for yoni massage therapists who treat anorgasmia and found my first yoni massage practitioner. I had no idea that yoni massage even existed. I had certainly heard about men receiving sexual massages, but never a woman. The concept was intriguing and also made me very nervous. I didn’t know what my husband would think of such a concept, either. How would he feel about me receiving sexual touch from another man?

The more I read about yoni massage, the more I was convinced that it could actually help me reawaken some of my sexual pleasure. I saw stories of other women who were able to experience more pleasure than they had in years. It even seemed possible that I might experience an orgasm.

Struggling with anorgasmia? Yoni massage could help!

I introduced my husband to the information I had found around how yoni massage can help heal sexual dysfunction. I told my husband that I was curious about exploring this with a professional. I asked him if it might be possible for him to think of it as sex therapy. My desire was to learn how to experience pleasure while being intimate with him again. I was so tired of experiencing shut down.

Surprisingly, my husband agreed to allow me to explore this avenue, even though I would be receiving sexual touch from another man in order to accomplish that. My husband really wanted for me to be able to enjoy myself again. He knew that his enjoyment depended on my enjoyment.

On the yoni massage website, there was a long menu of sexual touch and experiences that it was clear I could choose from. The options went from extremely basic seduction – like having the yoni massage practitioner slowly and sensually remove my clothes, and a light sensual massage – to far more advanced options that were fodder for potential fantasy exploration. I realized that there was a lot of territory to cover when it came to sexual intimacy, and that it was likely I was going to need to receive yoni massage multiple times in order to move through a healing process around experiencing more pleasure.

Searching for yoni massage therapy reviews online?

I set up an appointment for my first yoni massage the next day. I asked my husband if he wanted to attend the appointment with me, and he declined. I was going to have to be brave and allow myself to receive this experience all on my own. I was a bit nervous, but I had a sense I was onto something that would make a big difference for me.

When I arrived the next day, I was quite nervous. I couldn’t believe I had made a plan for a strange man to touch and stimulate my body – how was this even a thing?? But there I was, getting ready to knock on the door of his office.

When he answered the door, I decided he looked normal enough. He offered me a chair in his office and asked me questions about why I had come in to see him. I explained to him how much I had suffered with sexual dysfunction and how often my husband and I felt frustrated or dissatisfied in the bedroom. I expressed how badly I wanted to have an easier time having an orgasm. I couldn’t remember the last time it hadn’t felt like a total drag trying to get off.

I selected a very basic introductory yoni massage experience, where I would start out naked on the table and he would give me a full body massage that would culminate in a yoni massage, hopefully ending with an orgasm. He asked if I wanted my anus being touched and I thought that would be weird the first time he touched me, so I said no. He asked if I wanted my breasts touched, I said yes. He asked if I wanted my face and hair touched, I said that was okay. He asked if there was anywhere else I did not want touched, I said no.

He gave me a moment of privacy and I took my clothes off, then lay down on the massage table. I was really feeling nervous, but I felt I could trust him and was not worried that he would push my boundaries or do anything we hadn’t discussed. I felt ready to relax into the experience.

He began by massaging my back, neck and shoulders, which I allowed myself to relax during. I breathed deeper, and felt my muscles releasing tension. He gently stroked my hair for a bit, then went back to rubbing my back, this time from up near my head. His hands worked their way down onto my butt and my hips, then he grazed his hands along my sides and I felt a tingle between my legs as I felt his touch on the sides of my breasts.

He moved along to my hips, and my legs, occasionally allowing his hands to graze closer and closer to my sex. And then he spread my legs wider, opening up my sex to his view, which made me a little nervous, but also felt very exciting. At this point, I began to want for him to touch me there. Perhaps that was because he was teasing me and making me wait.

When he would occasionally lightly grasp my clitoris, through my hood, or stroke my labia, a ripple of pleasure would blaze through me. I hadn’t felt this turned on in ages! I had not wanted to be touched so badly in a very long time.

He continued to make me wait, and asked me to turn over onto my back, so now he could see my exposed breasts and my sex. He massaged my belly, rubbing my hips and my pubic bone, occasionally grazing my clitoris. I was aching for it by then.

He brought his attention to my breasts, where he grazed and stroked the sides, and cupped them gently, then kneaded the muscles underneath and around them. I gasped when he touched my nipples, gently tweaking and stroking them. I nearly lost my mind when he began slowly tweaking one nipple and lightly fingering my clitoris at the same time.

Finally, he brought his full attention down to my sex, and began to play with my clit in earnest. His finger began to lightly trace the opening of my vagina, and it shocked me how I longed for his finger to penetrate me. He began to explore my insides with his finger, and that was the moment I began to believe I would have an orgasm there on the massage table.

With plenty of patience, he kept playing with my sex in various ways until I knew I was ready to explode. I had the first orgasm I had had in years there on the table. I was so thrilled!

I was so happy with my experience the first time, I kept going back to see him for several more sessions, each time exploring more adventurous or curious pleasure territory.

And now, my sexual relationship with my husband has completely changed. He has learned how to better pleasure me, and I am feeling fully satisfied and taken care of by him so much more often. And he is thrilled, because we have sex far more often!

When I first searched for yoni massage therapists who treat anorgasmia and discovered yoni massage, I never imagined it could be the practice that could help me release years of sexual dysfunction, and heal my intimate relationship with my husband, so that we could both enjoy a more fulfilling sex life. The impact of this pleasure practice has truly been profound in my life.

How to be a Better Lover

My wife was so satisfied and surprised, she wanted to do it again, shortly thereafter. Nowadays, it’s actually kind of hard to keep up with her. I’m so glad I learned how to be a better lover. A lot has changed – she seems more vibrant and alive. It’s hard to keep my hands off of her. She let’s me know all the time that I am definitely the best she ever had.

New Things to Try in Bed

Online instructional course of New Things to Try in Bed

There are always new games and techniques to explore. The video I am looking forward to next is the one about playing with sex toys. We have so many new things to try in bed, but we have a trip to the toy store to make first!

Yoni Massage Seattle

Yoni Massage Seattle

I highly recommend seeking yoni massage therapy, and the local yoni massage Seattle based place, as a way to expand into the areas of your sexuality that seem out of reach to you in your current situation. It’s a beautiful opportunity for self-exploration.

Yoni Massage Everett

I am now a woman who feels consistently sexually fulfilled, and he is the proud man who is responsible for that. The amount of appreciation I have for him has grown immensely, and I feel deeply cared for by him. Yoni massage helped us bring our connection to new depths. I’m so glad I searched for the yoni massage Everett based place.

How to Increase Libido

How to Increase Libido

This practice made a huge difference in my relationship with my wife. Our time in the bedroom has gotten so much more exciting, and she is interested in doing things sexually so much more often than she was before. This method for how to increase libido in women definitely worked for us.

Massage Seduction

Like traditional massage Massage Seduction

I was beyond excited to try what I learned about massage seduction at home with my wife. I couldn’t wait to get her feedback on the various techniques, and to learn which parts of her body elicited the greatest pleasure response. I knew she would be really stoked to learn that I had some new techniques in my skill set. She is always enthusiastic about trying new things in the bedroom.

How to Increase Sex Drive in Women

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Yoni massage helped to increase my sex drive dramatically and healed a giant rift in my relationship – it allowed us to directly communicate in a new way, and life between us has not been the same since. I’m so glad I discovered this tool for how to increase sex drive in women. The results have been life-changing for both of us.

Yoni Massage Therapy How To

Is Receiving Yoni Massage Against My Religion

The yoni massage therapist kept his attentions on my back, my hips, and my thighs, while occasionally sliding his touch against one of my more sensitive areas – the sides of my breasts, the insides of my thighs, between my butt cheeks – he would lightly stroke and tickle in these places, and before I knew it I felt my hips beginning to rock.

Yoni Massage Therapy Seattle

Yoni massage therapy Seattle

Yoni massage healed a giant rift in my relationship – it allowed us to directly communicate in a new way, and life between us has not been the same since. I’m so glad I searched for a yoni massage therapy Seattle based place so we could engage with each other in this new way.

More Resources relative to Anorgasmia
More Resources relative to Anorgasmia

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