Introitus massage
Introitus massage

 Introitus Massage

Your introitus is the opening to your vagina. It is behind your labia and before your vagina. Virtually any level of penetration would pass through your introitus. In all of my sessions that include even mild or partial penetration, I spend time gently exploring your introitus. Many women prefer introitus massage or stimulation over vaginal penetration. Lots of women have excellent orgasms with a combination of introitus massage and clitoris massage. The introitus can be a great place to tease. A little touch of the introitus can drive a craving for penetration. When a penis is part way into the introitus, a little back and forth movement can stimulate desire for deeper penetration. If desired, you can schedule a session that includes more introitus attention than usual.

Additional Massage articles, stories, fantasies and content that likely includes introitus massage


Yoni Massage Seattle

Yoni Massage Seattle

I highly recommend seeking yoni massage therapy, and the local yoni massage Seattle based place, as a way to expand into the areas of your sexuality that seem out of reach to you in your current situation. It’s a beautiful opportunity for self-exploration.

Yoni Massage Therapy

Yoni Massage Therapy

It was also amazing how easy it was to trust the yoni massage therapist to touch me in a way that I enjoyed, and to not take advantage of me in any way. It was an easy experience to lean into. I went back several times to enjoy more of the same treatment. I’ve actually found it to be incredibly supportive since I have been single. I highly recommend trying the yoni massage therapy experience.

Yoni Massage Therapy How To

Is Receiving Yoni Massage Against My Religion

The yoni massage therapist kept his attentions on my back, my hips, and my thighs, while occasionally sliding his touch against one of my more sensitive areas – the sides of my breasts, the insides of my thighs, between my butt cheeks – he would lightly stroke and tickle in these places, and before I knew it I felt my hips beginning to rock.

Sexual Healing Massage Therapy

Can you teach my wife or girlfriend?

This course was very eye-opening when it comes to sexual healing massage therapy and women’s pleasure. There was a lot that I didn’t understand about how women experience pleasure, and now I have a clear understanding of the way that women can release emotions and associations they are holding from the past, so that they can have a new experience with pleasure and intimacy with partners.

Yoni Massage blog

Yoni massage is an opportunity to get real with yourself around what you truly, deeply desire to experience at the hands of a pleasure partner. It is an opportunity to drop the shackles of shame, open wide the field of potentiality and to truly consider for the first time what you would enjoy to experience if there were no question other than what would you like to receive.

Benefits of Yoni Massage

Benefits of yoni massage

One of the benefits of yoni massage sessions is that it can be an arena in which you as a woman finally get in touch with what you inherently desire – not attached to the desires of a man, but the desires which naturally originate and flow from your body. What do you desire to experience? What is most pleasurable for you?

Yoni massage

Yoni massage

Sacred Yoni Healing  So, what exactly do I mean by Sacred Yoni Healing? What in the world does Yoni mean?  A little research will advise you that this is a Sanskrit word for the universe of female genitalia.  And better yet, doesn’t it sound as exotic and mysterious as the female genitalia.   Maybe you’re wondering, “What is this healing all about?”   Our modern culture is the antithesis of healthy sexual relationship; religious attitudes and dogma, societal norms, unresolved trauma, diseases and profound lack of clear and rational communication regarding our sexual wants, needs and...

What are themes?

Massage Themes. Themes are sessions that revolve around a more detailed interest than simply a generic term like “sensual massage.” Between what you are seeking, and what I have identified and interests that many women find fun, interesting or exciting, there are dozens of variations and an infinite number of combinations of possibilities of what can be done.

More Resources relative to Introitus massage
More Resources relative to Introitus massage

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